Saturday, June 13, 2009

Captain's Log: Earth date 6/13/09

Leo Reporting.

We're in Buffalo, NY. More to the point, we're still in Buffalo!
The problem we had with a clogged fuel line is long since rectified. The clogged fuel line revealed a more serious problem. Two mechanics in two countries, the US and Canada, have told us that the exhaust system that was installed with our new diesel engine five years ago is defective. It is possible under some sea conditions for water to back up into the engine, causing damage to a valueable and expensive piece of equipment. In fact, we did find some water in the engine oil during our visit to Port Colbourne.

Susan and I agonized about this for quite some time. We finally decided that the sensible thing was to return to Buffalo, where a highly-skilled mechanic named Andy Lopez will bring the exhaust system up to Yanmar Diesel specifications. Andy will start work on Monday, June 22. Hopefully, by the middle or end of that week, Susan and I will once again be underway.

The good news is that our van is sitting in the boatyard parking area. Tomorrow, we will start a road trip that will take us around the north shore of Lake Ontario, then to Montreal and possibly as far as Gaspe', Canada. We'll take a look at where we plan to sail, and scout out a possible winter storage for Reliant when the season ends.

Obviously, the grandiose journey Susan and I planned for this summer will not occur. There just isn't the time. However, there will be time for a leisurely cruise along the north shore of Lake Ontario, which we've heard is lovely, the Thousand Islands on the upper St. Lawrence River, and down at least some of the St. Lawrence itself. It should be nice trip.

In the meantime, I'd like to share with you a recipe I developed for tonight's dinner. I'm calling it Leo's Two-Ingredient Salad:

Take carrots and onions. Chop finely. Mix thoroughly. Add dressing to taste.

This recipe is perfect for those moments when you have run out of all other ingredients.

ALSO, for all you Star Trek fans out there. The new Star Trek movie is excellent.


Friday, June 5, 2009

Captain's Log, Earth Date - June 5, 2009

First Officer, Sue (Soon to replace the Captain who is ready to resign) reporting:

Leo has always lived by his only motto: "Don't tell anyone your intentions." AND he is sticking to it!

Reliant is in Port Colborne, Ontario, after cruising 20 nautical miles NW from Buffalo NY. It was an easy trip, until the very end when the engine lost all its power. In fact, the marina's mechanic is surprised we made it here at all! Reliant and her crew will now wait until Tuesday, June 9, to have her fuel tank pumped out and the sediment, clogging the fuel lines, extracted. After a good tank cleaning, Reliant should be in good shape once again. This process will keep us here another week. The cost -- $$$$$???

Upon completion of the work, Captain and crew will at that time decide our next step, forward or backward.

Which brings me back to Leo's motto -- "Keep your own council....."


A note from the soon-to-resign captain:

In the nine years Susan and I have owned Reliant, I have personally supervised the over-haul of every system on the boat. The only thing I didn't do was cut into the fuel tank, inspect and clean it. So, here we sit - a victim of sludge!

The good news is that the engine quit where the water is quiet and service is available. Had the fuel lines clogged somewhere in the currents of the St. Lawrence River, this message might not be so amusing.

While we're stuck here in Port Colborne, Susan and I are determined to do something different each day. Tomorrow (Saturday) we're going to buy a pineapple and cut it into bite-sized chunks. We haven't discussed Sunday, yet.

Life is good!